Meet Wendy Pavey, your personal Brand and Career Strategist


I'm Wendy Pavey.

My entire career has been focused on brand-based communication, from launching products for global consumer icons to building personal brands for leaders from our most significant enterprises.

"...wise, kind and clever advice I rely on."

Those are the unedited words of a client and they took me by surprise. 

My clients are typically very senior executives and they are not usually effusive in their praise. They expect excellent work and don't lavish you with compliments for doing the job as required. I'm very comfortable with that.

So to see those words written by a client I respect enormously in an email referring someone to me...well, those words mean a great deal.

What might those words mean to you?

comes from decades of experience and there really is no substitute for that. Since 2011, I've focused on personal brand for executives and advisors, and that depth of experience resonates in my advice. Brand is a long game; don't believe anything to the contrary.

Kind comes from having the arrogant, obnoxious superiority of my youth ruthlessly pummelled out of me by life. Things that were once easy for me are now hard, often very extremely terribly hard. The upside is that I bring empathy and understanding to my recommendations for you. Career is important but kindness (to self and others) matters more.

Clever comes from creativity, curiosity and imagination; a mind always thinking in stories and how to tell them for the greatest impact. And yes, from book learning, and also well read parents and a storehouse of general knowledge built on the unearned gift of a good memory. The more crowded your arena, the more clever we need to be.

Those things – wisdom, kindness, cleverness – are what I can offer you in support of your career goals. 

There are other things I am not – not a qualified counsellor or certified coach, not a recruiter, not a former corporate executive – and if you want those things, let me respectfully suggest you look for another brand advisor. I'd be very glad to recommend one of my colleagues.

What I am is enough – more than enough – to help you win the work you want. 

More nice words about me from my clients

My clients and client companies 

In the world of CEOs and C-suite executives, it's all about referrals and word-of-mouth. I've proven myself to my clients over many years and they have generously referred me to their networks. It's taken me a long time to build a trusted reputation and to form enduring associations with prestigious organisations. 


Professional bodies I've presented to 

What's your investment?

Choose the option that best fits your needs. 

12 sessions over 12 months. 

Saves you 15% over the cost of buying individual sessions

Each session is 60 minutes, held online via Zoom.

Unlimited rescheduling. 

Investment is AUD 6000

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6 sessions over 6 months. 

You have complete flexibility to schedule the sessions to suit yourself. You can have them close together to build massive momentum, or you can space them out to give yourself regular guidance through a time of  transition.

Saves you 15% over the cost of buying individual sessions

Each session is 60 minutes, held online via Zoom.

Reschedule each session once without penalty.

Investment is AUD 3000

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One session to use within 30 days of booking.

Convenient book-and-pay on an as-you-need basis

The session is 60 minutes, held online via Zoom.

Reschedule the session once without penalty.

Investment is AUD 600

Book and pay now
Not sure what to choose?

Book a complimentary chat with me to work out what's best for you.

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Working with me

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